We all move into the New Year wanting a fresh start, and often that comes with a good clear out! We’re here to talk about some of the best ways to do it to help you feel comfortable and happy in your home. It might take some time but it’s absolutely worth it!
Go Room By Room
The best way to approach a good declutter is room by room. If you try to do bits and pieces around the house, you’ll soon get overwhelmed and forget what’s been done, likely making a mess in the meantime. So, whenever you have a spare afternoon or evening, assign it to decluttering one room completely. You will be much more productive, get a better idea of what you need to keep and the rest of your home can remain livable!
Identify What To Keep, What To Sell and What To Donate
During this process of going round room by room, you should identify what you want to keep, what you’re going to sell and what you’re going to donate. With what you’re keeping, try to think if you’ve used it in the last year as this takes into account all different seasons. If you haven’t used it, you’re likely not going to again, and so it can be cleared out! If it has potential to make you some money then try selling it, you could keep a pile of all your sale items in one place so you know exactly what you’re keeping on top of.
Try places like Vinted, Depop and Facebook Marketplace. For things that you won’t get much money for or if you’re feeling charitable, take those items to donate. For anything you can’t sell or donate, make sure that you dispose of it as sustainably as possible.
Simplify Your Home Decor
Often when you go over the top with home decor, it can make the place feel really cluttered. If this isn’t your style, then try going more simplistic. Rather than lots of throws, cushions and rugs everywhere, opt for a couple of stunning cushion covers, a timeless rug and a cosy throw. Stripping things back slightly and having fewer better quality items can really transform your space. Make sure you donate anything you no longer want as it can make someone else really happy.
Clear Out Your Loft and Garage
Something else you should do is to clear out your loft and garage. Often people have things in the main rooms of their house that they don’t need access to all the time and these can be moved into the loft and garage. So, start by creating space in these areas and perhaps look for storage solutions, then think of items you can move in there. This can clear so much space in your livable areas and really change how your home feels. You may need to consider mould removal Melbourne to get these spaces up to scratch!